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WORLDWIDE : Mid Term Review of the IDH Farmfit Fund
2025.02.06 to 2025.08.02

WORLDWIDE : Intermediate Evaluation of the implementation of the EU Gender Action Plan III (2021-2027)
2024.11.29 to 2026.02.28

WORLDWIDE : Framework Agreement for the provision of services related to evaluations for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Relating to lot 1
2024.09.16 to 2026.09.15

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation of the EU's support to partner countries in the education sector (2014-2024)
2024.08.02 to 2025.11.02

WORLDWIDE : MFF Programme Evaluation
2024.05.13 to 2024.12.16

2024.02.13 to 2028.02.12

2024.02.13 to 2028.02.12

2024.02.13 to 2028.02.12

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation of WFP’s Emergency Preparedness Policy
2023.10.25 to 2024.10.31

WORLDWIDE : External Evaluation of the 2SCALE program
2023.10.10 to 2025.02.01

WORLDWIDE : Meta-Evaluation Strengthening of Civil Society (SCS) MTRs
2023.09.29 to 2024.07.16

WORLDWIDE : EPRM Impact Evaluation-Ambition A
2023.07.01 to 2024.05.31

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation of the BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes (ISFL)
2023.03.30 to 2024.02.28

WORLDWIDE : 2023 review of EU budget support portfolio and EU actions on domestic revenue mobilisation and public finance management
2023.01.09 to 2023.08.09

WORLDWIDE : Marché de Services relatif à un accord-cadre pour des services d’expertise en matière d’évaluation – Lot 1
2022.12.21 to 2026.12.20

WORLDWIDE : Design and implementation of Rikolto’s 2022-2026 evaluation framework
2022.08.10 to 2027.06.30

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation of WFP’s Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Policies
2022.03.23 to 2023.05.31

WORLDWIDE : Feasibility Study for a CSP Evaluation Evidence-Based Rating System
2021.12.23 to 2022.05.12

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation de la stratégie belge pour l’aide humanitaire
2021.12.06 to 2022.09.30

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation of the EU contribution to SDG implementation
2021.11.22 to 2023.03.31

2021.10.15 to 2023.03.09

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation of contract HUM/2018/41579 Improving the synergies between social protection and public finance management
2021.10.01 to 2022.11.30

WORLDWIDE : Combined evaluation of the European Union’s humanitarian response to sudden-onset disasters (2016-2020) and of DG ECHO's partnership with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
2021.09.01 to 2022.10.15

WORLDWIDE : Support to the IOB Evaluation of Humanitarian Assistance of the Netherlands, Funding and Diplomacy 2015-2020
2021.07.02 to 2022.05.15

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation of EU Cooperation with Guatemala 2007-2020
2021.06.01 to 2022.03.28

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation of EU Collect More Spend Better 2015-2020
2021.01.17 to 2023.01.31

WORLDWIDE : ADE-DPA general collaboration
2021.01.04 to 2022.12.31

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation of the EU cooperation with the United Nations in external action
2021.01.04 to 2022.03.31

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation of the TAIEX instrument in the period 2015-2020
2021.01.01 to 2022.01.01

WORLDWIDE : End-line impact assessment of the 2017-2021 DGD-funded programme implemented by Rikolto
2021.01.01 to 2022.06.30

WORLDWIDE : Fast-track Assessment of the EU’s Initial Response to COVID-19 crisis in Partner Countries and Regions
2020.12.15 to 2021.12.19

WORLDWIDE : Official Title: Evaluation of the international climate finance by the Belgian federal government ADE title : SES Eval Climate Finance
2020.09.28 to 2021.06.28

2020.09.09 to 2021.12.31

WORLDWIDE : Feasibility study on options for strengthening the future European financial architecture for development
2020.08.24 to 2021.04.14

WORLDWIDE : Governing multifunctional landscapes in Sub-Saharan Africa: managing trade-offs between social and ecological impacts (Titre: EU-CIFOR FLEGT M&E)
2020.08.15 to 2021.11.15

WORLDWIDE : Ex post evaluation of the EU Aid Volunteers initiative
2020.07.17 to 2020.12.31

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation de la politique de core funding des organisations internationales partenaires de la Coopération belge au développement SES Core Funding
2020.07.06 to 2020.12.15

WORLDWIDE : “Blended finance and evaluation: An assessment of core concepts”
2019.11.14 to 2020.12.31

WORLDWIDE : Governing multifunctional landscapes in Sub-Saharan Africa: managing trade-offs between social and ecological impacts (Titre: EU-CIFOR FLEGT M&E)
2019.11.14 to 2020.08.14

WORLDWIDE : External evaluation of the EU Civil society Organisation and Local Authorities Thematic Programme
2019.09.02 to 2020.05.15

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation des stratégies belges de sortie de 6 pays de la coopération bilatérale directe (NB. Titre court interne à ADE: « Evaluation SES Exit »)
2019.04.24 to 2019.12.24

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation of EU State Building Contracts (2012-2018)
2019.01.01 to 2020.04.01

WORLDWIDE : Effect evaluation of the Africa Biogas Partnership Programme phase II (ABPP2)
2018.12.24 to 2019.04.30

WORLDWIDE : FLEGT Impact M&E design
2018.09.03 to 2019.08.10

WORLDWIDE : Mid-Term Review of the European Commission’s Action Plan on Nutrition and Evaluation of the Nutrition Advisory Service
2018.09.03 to 2019.01.31

WORLDWIDE : Methodological and Knowledge Sharing support to enhance capacities for quality and results in EU external assistance – MKS Year 4 - Gestion
2018.03.02 to 2019.03.01

WORLDWIDE : Methodological and Knowledge Sharing support to enhance capacities for quality and results in EU external assistance – MKS Year 4 - Affaire
2018.03.02 to 2019.03.01

WORLDWIDE : Final evaluation of the Support to the FEMIP
2018.01.08 to 2019.03.29

THIRD COUNTRIES : Évaluation de l’appui au secteur privé par la coopération belge au développement (Short title : PSD SES)
2017.06.09 to 2018.03.09

WORLDWIDE : Methodological and Knowledge Sharing support to enhance capacities for quality and results in EU external assistance – MKS Year 3 (Gestion)
2017.03.02 to 2018.03.01

WORLDWIDE : Methodological and Knowledge Sharing support to enhance capacities for quality and results in EU external assistance – MKS Year 3 (Affaire)
2017.03.02 to 2018.03.01

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation of EU Sustainable Energy Cooperation
2017.03.01 to 2019.12.31

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation of the Infrastructure Development Fund
2017.01.20 to 2018.06.30

THIRD COUNTRIES : Evaluation of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)
2016.07.29 to 2017.07.07

WORLDWIDE : Analysis of internal and external consultations on the new consensus
2016.07.18 to 2016.11.30

WORLDWIDE : Methodological and Knowledge Sharing support to enhance capacities for quality and results in EU external assistance – MKS Year 2 (Gestion)
2016.03.02 to 2017.03.01

WORLDWIDE : Methodological and Knowledge Sharing support to enhance capacities for quality and results in EU external assistance – MKS Year 2 (Affaire)
2016.03.02 to 2017.03.01

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation of EU Joint Programming Process of Development Cooperation 2011-2015
2016.01.18 to 2017.01.31

WORLDWIDE : EU Approach to Building Resilience to Withstand Food Crises in African Drylands (Sahel and Horn of Africa) 2007-2015
2016.01.18 to 2017.04.18

WORLDWIDE : Study on Approaches to Assess Cost-effectiveness of DG ECHO’s Humanitarian Aid Actions
2015.12.22 to 2016.06.22

WORLDWIDE : Quality Assurance of Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) reviews on projects and programmes financed by the European Union within the external framework of its external assistance - ROM QA
2015.12.03 to 2018.12.02

WORLDWIDE : Scoping study on Impact Evaluation of ARM in low- and middle-income countries
2015.12.01 to 2016.05.31

THIRD COUNTRIES : Evaluation of the Environment Policy of the Austrian Development Co-operation and its implementation by the main ODA Actors between 2007-2014
2015.03.20 to 2016.05.31

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation indépendante des stratégies et programmes de la BAD en RDC et au Burundi
2015.03.05 to 2016.02.29

WORLDWIDE : Methodological and Knowledge Sharing support to enhance capacities for quality and results in EU external assistance – MKS Year 1
2015.03.03 to 2016.03.01

WORLDWIDE : MKS - Clôtures comptables CHARE
2015.03.02 to 2019.03.01

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation of Blending
2015.01.12 to 2016.07.12

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation of the use of different Transfer Modalities in ECHO Humanitarian Aid actions 2011-2014
2014.11.06 to 2016.04.30

WORLDWIDE : L'évaluation d'impact de 4 interventions de la Coopération belge non gouvernementale
2014.08.29 to 2016.02.28

WORLDWIDE : Multiple Framework Contract to Recruit Short-Term Services in the Exclusive Interest of Third Countries Benefiting from European Union External Aid Lot 11 - Macro economy, Statistics and Public finance management
2014.01.01 to 2017.12.31

WORLDWIDE : Multiple Framework Contract to Recruit Short-Term Services in the Exclusive Interest of Third Countries Benefiting from European Union External Aid LOT N° - 7 Governance and Home affairs
2014.01.01 to 2017.12.31

WORLDWIDE : Programme and Project Cycle Management (PPCM) - Y3
2013.10.15 to 2015.02.27

WORLDWIDE : Programme and Project Cycle Management (PPCM) - Y2
2012.10.15 to 2013.10.14

WORLDWIDE : EIDHR support to EU Delegations
2012.01.16 to 2013.01.18

WORLDWIDE : Programme and Project Cycle Management (PPCM)
2011.09.22 to 2012.09.21

THIRD COUNTRIES : Evaluation of the Commission of the European Union’s support to Private Sector Development in Third Countries (PSD)
2011.03.30 to 2012.11.02

WORLDWIDE : FWC COM LOT 1 – « Studies and Technical Assistance in all sectors »
2011.01.15 to 2013.01.15

WORLDWIDE : Methodological Support and Training in Aid Delivery Methods
2010.09.01 to 2011.12.22

THIRD COUNTRIES : Thematic evaluation of the European Commission support to Conflict Prevention and Peace Building
2010.08.23 to 2012.01.06

WORLDWIDE : Préparation et suivi de l'atelier Région Ultra Périphérique - DG Regio
2010.05.01 to 2010.06.30

WORLDWIDE : Thematic Evaluation of European Commission Support to Justice and Security System Reform
2010.04.20 to 2011.10.30

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation of the EC support to Decentralisation & Thematic global evaluation
2010.01.06 to 2012.06.27

WORLDWIDE : Implementation of the EU Code of Conduct on division of labour in partner countries
2009.12.18 to 2012.03.06

THIRD COUNTRIES : Evaluation of the IPR Enforcement Strategy in third countries
2009.12.03 to 2010.11.30

THIRD COUNTRIES : Thematic Evaluation of the European Commission support to Conflict Prevention and Peace Building - Phase 2: Concept Study
2009.11.23 to 2010.06.30

WORLDWIDE : Multiple Framework Contract to recruit short-term services for technical assistance for assessments in macroeconomics, public finance management and performance management
2009.10.01 to 2013.10.01

WORLDWIDE : Methodological Support and Training in Aid Delivery Methods
2009.09.01 to 2010.12.28

THIRD COUNTRIES : Thematic global evaluation of European Commission support in education sector in partner countries
2009.06.01 to 2009.10.31

THIRD COUNTRIES : Assessment of the Accompanying Measures for Sugar Protocol countries (AMSP)
2009.04.17 to 2009.10.23

THIRD COUNTRIES : Thematic Evaluation of the European Commission support to Conflict Prevention and Peace Building
2009.01.12 to 2009.09.24

WORLDWIDE : Methodological Support and Training in Aid Delivery Methods (ADM)
2008.09.01 to 2009.10.31

WORLDWIDE : FWC EVAL-Lot 5-Selected Main Policies
2007.04.10 to 2011.04.09

WORLDWIDE : Methodological Support and Training in Aid Delivery Methods - Lot 2: Sector Approach and Budget Support
2007.01.25 to 2007.07.10

THIRD COUNTRIES : Evaluation of the European Commission's external cooperation with partner countries through the organisations of the UN family
2006.11.24 to 2008.02.26

THIRD COUNTRIES : Evaluation of Commission's Aid Delivery throught Development Banks and EIB
2006.10.17 to 2007.11.15

THIRD COUNTRIES : Sectoral evaluation of EC support to Partner Countries in the Area of Energy
2006.07.03 to 2007.02.15

WORLDWIDE : Evaluation Framework contract regional integration
2005.05.31 to 2008.03.01

THIRD COUNTRIES : Service Contract to supply to the European Commission Services with an independent expertise in the field of evaluation of strategies, programming, programmes and policies within the fields of externa
2004.03.31 to 2005.03.30

THIRD COUNTRIES : Service Contract to Provide the European Commission Services with Independent Expertise in the Field of Evaluation (Sectoral and Thematic) of Programmes, Strategies and Policies in Third Countries Rel
2004.03.24 to 2005.03.23

WORLDWIDE : Economic Development and Institutions Research-6762
1900.01.01 to 2016.06.30