Consultancy to Undertake a Cost of Service and Rate Design Study and Develop a Domestic Resource Mobilisation Programme for Public Service Delivery Agencies in Barbados

The Government of Barbados has been engaging consultancy services to develop a Domestic Resource Mobilisation (DRM) programme geared towards the restructuring of government user fees and charges with the view of having such charges reflect the true cost of providing the respective services across the public sector of Barbados. This consultancy underscores the initiatives required to foster the effective mobilisation of domestic resources, using a Cost of Service and Rate Design Study. This is coupled with the essential aim of delivering public services effectively and efficiently across the board. The Government of Barbados has mandated the initiative to examine government user fees with the view of aligning such charges with the true cost of operating expenses in its 2015 Financial Statement and Budgetary Proposals. This initiative, pursued under the Barbados Human Resource Development Programme, is imperative for enhancing resource efficiency, building capacity, and establishing a sustainable platform for fiscal sustainability over the medium to long-term. The global objective of this consultancy is to establish a Domestic Resource Mobilisation Framework of efficiency, equity, and financial sustainability throughout the Government of Barbados’ primary revenue generating agencies.

Project Details
Start date 2017.05.22
End date 2017.10.31
Client EC
Sub-sector PFM system
Ref. ADE A505-194